Monday, December 10, 2007


So Christmas is two weeks from tomorrow and its pretty clear from the way people are acting.

I was in the Fairgreen shopping centre in carlow and had to collect a christmas present for my sister that i had put aside a few days earlier.

So I walk in and the place is mobbed. Now I wasn't what you would call surprised by this given that its so close to christmas but that is not the point of this story.

Now the shop i was collecting the present in had a queue going out the door. I didn't really want to stand in a queue for a half an hour but it was now or never really. So I stood there and ten minutes went by, and the line was moving very very slowly.

Just then, this guy comes in and barges his way up to the front and starts yelling at the cashier for something he had bought that didn't work.

Now I have two problems with this.

1) It just isn't fair to the girl behind the counter that this guy was shouting at her. Its not like it was her fault that the thing was broken.


2) All the people in the line, including me, had been waiting somewhat patiently to get service and this guy barges up ahead and while hes shouting away none of us will get served.

Now this isn't something that happens only at christmas but it is something that boils my blood. Christmas for me has always been a time for happiness and people being nice. Now I can handle people bumping into you in a crowd and not saying excuse me. Thats fine, their in a hurry but what this guy had done was unacceptable.

I left it for 5 minutes and he was still going at this girls throat. I was getting to the point where I was gonna go up to this guy and stop him but a guy that was up ahead of me beat me to it. He walked up to the guy and grabbed him by the shoulder and gave him a good talking to. The guy was giving it back to him but in the end he just walked out with the thing he had brought into the shop ( i think it was an iPod). After the applause for the guy that had stepped up was over, the line started moving again and within 25 minutes i had what i came in for.

I can never understand why people won't just calm down at christmas. But it did give me some perspective on christmas shopping.

Next year, all shopping will be done online and everything will be delivered to me. Merry christmas to all and to all a good night.

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