Saturday, December 8, 2007


So I've been quite frustrated with college lately. Mainly because I've been a bit lacking in motivation to actually do anything but also because our course is hideously unorganised.

To be fair, they are trying this year and a lot of the course material is interesting even for me who really isn't overly interested by any of it.

This week I actually surprised myself, I sat down and actually did some work and got quite a bit done at the same time. And the biggest shock came when we did a practical assessment in Mobile Games on Friday morning. It was nine in the morning and I was barely awake, I couldnt even get a cup of tea because the line at starbucks was too long.

So i went in and sat down as I always do. Now I had done no preperation the night before and have very little knowledge of Java so I was, for all intents and purposes, screwed! But, to my surprise I managed to complete the second question in full which was worth 60 percent and part of question 1 which was worth 40 percent. So i walk away with very little effort having 6 -7 percent out of 10 towards my final grade. Hurray for me!

Next week, which is our final week before our Christmas holidays, sees a written test in Online Gaming Tech on wednesday and a fairly complex assignment due in AI on friday so its gonna be a long week.

And on that note I will end the blog because, well I cant think of anything else to say at the moment.

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